The project stands out for its use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, equipped with advanced sensing systems such as 3D LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) to create highly detailed and accurate digital twin of forested areas. A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical environment, which in this case, enables forest managers to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the forest’s structure, health, and biomass distribution.
The primary objective of this project is to support the efficient and sustainable management of forests by offering an unprecedented level of precision in monitoring forest conditions. The ability to visualize and measure forest biomass – a key indicator of forest health and carbon storage potential – can significantly improve decision-making processes, contributing to better environmental stewardship and resource management.
A major milestone was reached when a successful demonstration flight was conducted in the Fala area.
During this flight, a portion of the forest was surveyed using the drone, which captured detailed data about the terrain and tree cover. This data was then processed and analyzed using specialized software, which allowed the team to visualize the results in a comprehensive viewer. The viewer enables users to take precise measurements and display various outputs, including vector layers that map out different features of the forest, and classified point clouds, which represent the three-dimensional structure of the forest.
The processed data provided valuable insights into the forest biomass present in the surveyed area. Using this information, the project team was able to calculate the amount of wood biomass in the test region. These calculations are crucial for generating reports that can inform forest management strategies, including timber harvesting, conservation efforts, and carbon sequestration planning.
The progress made so far demonstrates the potential of UAV-based technologies to revolutionize forest management by providing real-time, high-resolution data that can guide sustainable practices. As the project continues to evolve, further demonstrations and analyses will refine the approach, offering even more sophisticated tools for understanding and managing forests.
For those interested in learning more about the current status of the “LIFT Forest – eVTOL AI” project and seeing some of the technology in action, a video is available below that showcases the recent demonstration and highlights key aspects of the project’s development.
Konzorcij partnerjev Flycom Technologies, C-Astral in IRNAS uspešno napreduje s projektom »LIFT Forest – eVTOL AI«, ki poteka v okviru Javnega razpisa za pilotno-demonstracijske projekte za okrevanje in odpornost (NOO).
Ta projekt združuje napredne tehnologije za učinkovito upravljanje gozdov in vključuje uporabo brezpilotnih letalnikov, opremljenih s 3D LiDAR in RGB senzorji. Glavni cilj je ustvariti natančen digitalni model gozda, ki bo omogočal boljše upravljanje gozdnih površin in poglobljen vpogled v stanje gozdne biomase.
Demonstracijski polet je bil uspešno izveden na območju naselja Fala, kjer smo s pomočjo drona zajeli del gozdnega območja. Pridobljeni podatki so bili analizirani in predstavljeni v pregledovalniku, ki omogoča izvedbo meritev ter prikaz produktov, kot so vektorski sloji in klasificirani oblak točk. Na podlagi teh podatkov smo na testnem območju izračunali količino lesne biomase in pripravili poročila.
Za podrobnejši vpogled v trenutno stanje projekta si lahko ogledate zgornji video.
Naložba je del ukrepov slovenskega Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost, ki se financira iz mehanizma, “NextGenerationEU“.
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