Our Mission

We are a highly-skilled, cross-disciplinary team of engineers and scientists that strives to apply expertise in mechanical, electrical and software engineering to a wide array of industrial, scientific and everyday problems, by creating effective and highly customized systems. We aim to empower our customers with technologies that improve their work process, allow them to bring technological ideas to the finished product and are the best fit for their needs.

We aim to provide the best quality, fast development service in order to support rapid ideas, and new product development, let that be an advanced communication system, CNC development platform or simple IoT device.

Whether you are in search of a hardware development partner, interested in one of our existing products, or need technical consultation on your project, contact us, and we will explore your idea with you.

Luka Mustafa, CEO

By design we are a team of 16 engineers of many overlapping fields of expertise working in unison, a large enough team to handle most complex challenges while small enough to be maximally agile. To empower our innovation process, we have set out on a mission to establish as many useful manufacturing and prototyping processes in-house, minimizing the reliance on external partners and enabling the process of immediate changes. Our work environment is set to be friendly and enjoyable to enable our team to be always at their best.
Launched in 2014 IRNAS stands for Institute for development of advanced applied systems, and this is exactly what we do to approach our mission of making the world a better place through technical innovation.

Want to join?

Discover our open positions, send us a message,
and let’s schedule a quick introductory call.

Legal Information

Full title / Naziv

IRNAS – inštitut za razvoj naprednih aplikativnih sistemov, d.o.o.

Estabslihed / Ustanovljen


English title / Angleški naziv

IRNAS – institute for development of advanced applied systems, Ltd.

Short title / Krajšan naziv

IRNAS d.o.o.

Legal status / Pravna oblika

Limited liability company / Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo

Classification / SKD klasifikacija

72.190 – Raziskovalna in razvojna dejavnost na drugih področjih naravoslovja in tehnologije

Address / Sedež

Limbuška cesta 76b, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija


SI35873302 – a VAT registered entity / davčni zavezanec

Registration number / Matična številka


Bank account / Transakcijski račun

IBAN: SI56 1010 0005 2882 940 – Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d. d., Pristaniška 14, 6502 Koper, Slovenia, BIC BAKOSI2X



