InfluxDB Python integration

With a number of deployed IoT devices and amount of collected data on the constant rise, so are increasing database solutions, analytics, monitoring and visualization tools to store and make sense of the overwhelming amount of new data. Since we specialize in the development of specialized IoT devices, we aim to utilize data analysis and visualization tools, during the development process for our internal purposes.

Dismantlable waterproof enclosure vs. encapsulation resin

Many of our solutions must ensure reliable operation under harsh conditions and therefore require a robust and durable enclosure capable of protecting the electronic components inside. When developing Arribada PitStop Turtle Tag tracking system, we prepared two different solutions, a dismantlable waterproof enclosure and casting in an encapsulation resin, with both options providing advantages for the specific applications.

LoRaWAN® messages from the darkness

IRNAS has been actively involved in environmental and animal conservation since its founding in 2014. Last year, we have been working with Smart Parks to develop a modular LoRaWAN® GPS tracker for use as a collar payload on wildlife like Lions, Wisents, Elephants and also park rangers and vehicles.

2020 – 20 years of IoT

Building a solution that will work in 2040 is entirely feasible today with technologies and solutions currently available. To enable such a long lifetime from the communication perspective, a suitable technology must be chosen and the whole solution must be very rigorously tested.