Yet again we have achieved something to be proud about. As of January 2022, KORUZA, our wireless free-space optical (FSO) communication system, is the first piece of hardware from Slovenia that has acquired the OSHWA (Open Source Hardware Association) certification!
WEBINAR: Hands-on experience with LR1110 LoRaWAN transceiver with GNSS and WiFi functionality
Semtech LR1110 LoRaWAN transceiver with GNSS and WiFi scanning evaluation has shown promising results. To best share our hands-on experience at the first instance we are organizing this session to explore the capabilities of the solution and share our initial experience.
KORUZA licensing
KORUZA is licensed as follows:
- Hardware is under CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2 (CERN-OHL-1.2),
- Software under General Public License v3.0 only (LGPL-3.0-only) and
- Documentation is under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA-4.0).
Open Source, Open Hardware
At IRNAS, we will continue to pursue our dedication to: “… applying scientific advances to practice into industry and everyday products through open hardware”, as Luka Mustafa, IRNAS’ CEO and tech lead, has put it nicely.