Wireless Optical Data Transmission Technology KORUZA: Upgrade Announcement!

KORUZA, the open-source free-space optical FSO wireless optical data transmission technology by IRNAS, has been upgraded to KORUZA v2 Pro and KORUZA v2 Transparent, adding new features, improving the existing, and making integration easier!
NGI TETRA mentoring for KORUZA FSO wireless optical communication project

With KORUZA, our open-source wireless optical communication system for urban environments, we have attended the NGI TETRA Bootcamp and have been selected for the Business Acceleration Mentorship Programme!
SOK 2021: Free-space optical communications

KORUZA Pro, the first affordable and open source free-space optical communications system, has been presented in a lecture on the 25th SOK seminar on optical communications in February 2021.
KORUZA wireless optical communication system has been granted NGI-POINTER funding

IRNAS has been granted funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the framework of the NGI-POINTER, for KORUZA, our open-source wireless optical communication system for urban environments.

Open-source wireless communication system, enabling building-to-building connectivity with a collimated infra-red light beam at a capacity of 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps at distances up to 150 meters.